A new plan for confident software releases

2 min readAug 19, 2021

What is releasing software?

The simplest definition is: making a different version of your software available to users. And doing it over and over again to make your customers happy and grow your business.

The plan to get to the software release is not so simple. You define features of value to provide to your users and then you package them up. That package can come in many time increments; a day, two weeks, three months, or more.

You are careful about your release plan. You ask many questions to be answered before you release. Are the new features what the users need? Have we tested enough? Will the release disrupt the user’s business? How much downtime? Did we create the right documentation? Did we communicate enough with the users? The answers to these questions culminate with the release.

You may use tools today for release planning or release management. You track the development work as it is tested and moves along in the process. You make sure you align requirements and dates to deliver what is expected. You do everything you can to mitigate risk.

What if you can do more to mitigate risk at the time new software is made available to users?

What if you can eliminate surprises and create certainty in delighting users every time?

Aufero enables you to release software to your users, at a time later than the deployment to production. You may be a product manager or business leader, and with Aufero you can be the person who directly releases the updated software to users, once your technical teams, customers, and your business is ready.

Aufero changes the game. A new software version is made available in production (the deployment) which is no longer synonymous with providing a different version to your users (the release). Your technical teams are no longer required by the business to perform a night or weekend deployment. Deploy during the business day, but don’t yet make the new version available to users. Test in production, make versions available to beta customers, or provide different versions of the software available to different users in the same environment. Provide software to users at the time of business, while reducing your risk in a way never previously possible.

Aufero is part of the software release process that you always missed, but never knew you needed.

Happier technical teams.

Happier business stakeholders.

Happier users.

Learn more at https://aufero.co/ or sign up for Aufero directly at https://app.aufero.co.

